Thursday, 25 June 2015

Why everyone should plan their vacation in Greece during this economical crisis

In order to understand the reason why everyone should plan their vacation in Greece during this economical crisis, we have to figure out what most people like to do while on vacation...

View our video and read the article here

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Review of Electra of Euripides at Badminton theatre

Greek ancient drama is reviving this summer through the performance Elancient-greek-drama-electraectra of Euripides at Badminton theatre. The play is translated in 6 languages, so foreign visitors of Athens, have the opportunity to attend an authentic performance of Greek ancient drama. 
The director of the play is one of the greatest directors in Greece, the famous academic Spyros Evaggelatos. The original translation of the play is from K. X Myris and the sets are designed from Yiorgos Patsas.
The “Melina Merkouri Award” winner Marina Aslanoglou plays the role of Electra together with the highly acclaimed Reni Pittaki and Yannis Voglis and a cast of other renowned actors holding honors in theatrical performance. Theatre lovers from all over the world can attend this performance right in the heart of Athens, in Badminton theatre, which will proudly present Electra of Euripides to public from 12th June until 26th September.
Review of the performance
The performance of Electra of Euripides, at Badminton theatre, . The play represents worthily the word of the great Greek tragedian Euripides. 
Spyros Evaggelatos managed to make successfully....
To read the full review click here!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Luxury Peloponnese cultural tour

Tour duration: 6 days
In this article we are going to show you how to make a luxury Peloponnese cultural tour. You can do this cultural tour in the convenience of your own car or by renting a car. You can even hire a car with a private driver, if you want to choose the most luxury option......
Discover the Peloponnese cultural tour with the map here

Friday, 5 June 2015

Ancient Greek theatre with English supertitles

This year at the Greek famous ancient theatre of Epidaurus, there will be a lot of plays that will have English supertitles. Below you will find all the performances with supertitles in English:
The Trojan Women by Euripides
Dates of performance: 3rd July 2015 – 4th July 2015
Director: Sotitris Hatzakis
The Acharnians by Aristophanes
Dates of performance: 10th July 2015 – 11th July 2015
Director: Yiannis Kakleas
Ajax by Sophocles
Dates of performance: 17th July 2015 – 18th July 2015
Director: Vangelis Theodoropoulos
Nekya by Japanese Noh Theatre, based on Odyssey of Homer, Book 11
Dates of performance: 24th July 2015 – 25th July 2015
Director: Michael Marmarinos
This performance will be presented in Japanese with Greek and English supertitles
The Assemblywomen by Aristophanes
Dates of performance: 31st July 2015 – 1st August 2015
Director: Yiannis Bezos
Orestes by Euripides
Dates of performance: 28th July 2015 – 29th August 2015
Director: Simos Kakalas
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Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Inside Ioannina lake! Ioannina lake, known as Pamvotida lake, is the biggest lake in Epirus, Greece.The lake features ports, fishing and boating. Inside this beautiful lake there is an island, which is the only “anonymous” island in Greece. This island is full of history and places to visit. Ioannina lake is a natural monument around the historical town of Ioannina.
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